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 Job Position: University of Maryland
Posted by: Charles Stangor
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Maryland
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: August 25th, 2008

Department of Psychology
Social, Decision, and Organizational Sciences

The Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland in College Park is seeking to fill a tenure-track position in Social, Decision, and Organizational Sciences (SDOS) at the assistant or early associate professor level. Individuals trained in any area of social psychology are particularly encouraged to apply. We are especially interested in applicants whose interests bridge traditional areas, and who have a strong research program as well as good methodological and quantitative skills.

SDOS is comprised of social psychologists, organizational psychologists, and judgment and decision-making researchers who collectively study how individuals perceive and process information about their social environment and themselves, make decisions, and manage their interdependencies with others in dyadic, team, organizational, and societal contexts. Topics that we study in SDOS include, but are not limited to, social cognition, self-regulation, stereotyping, decision making, conflict and negotiation, group dynamics, leadership, social networks, organizational climate and culture, and national culture.

In addition to SDOS the other four Ph.D. programs in the new training structure at the University of Maryland are Clinical Psychology, Cognitive and Neuroscience, Counseling Psychology, and Developmental Psychology. Many faculty members participate in more than one program, thereby fostering a rich web of collaborations throughout the department. Candidates who can contribute to one of these programs in addition to SDOS are especially encouraged to apply.
Successful candidates will have a record of, or demonstrated potential of, securing external funding, excellent research productivity, and interest in forming collaborative research ties within and across programs and departments. A strong commitment to teaching and mentorship at both the undergraduate and graduate levels is expected. Salary is highly competitive, research conditions are excellent, and there are extensive opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration both on campus and at universities and Federal laboratories in the Washington DC metropolitan area.

Please apply electronically by sending PDF files with your cover letter, a CV, a statement of research and teaching interests, and up to three articles to Please put the words SDOS SEARCH in the subject heading of your email, followed by your last name. In addition, please send a signed copy of your cover letter and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to Ms. Julia Coldren, SDOS Search Committee Coordinator, Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. Inquires for the position can be addressed to Dr. Charles Stangor (

The University of Maryland is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. For best consideration, materials should arrive by November 1, 2008. All searches will remain open until filled.

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