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 2008 Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Prize
Posted by: Julie Geonnotti
Title/Position: SPSSI Central Office
School/Organization: SPSSI
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: July 2nd, 2008

The Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Prize

The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues is proud to announce the Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Prize honoring the memory of the late Dr. Gordon W. Allport, a founder and past president of SPSSI.


Entries can be either papers published during the current year or unpublished manuscripts. Entries cannot be returned. Please note that an individual or group may only submit one paper to SPSSI awards (including the Allport, Klineberg, and Dissertation Awards) per award year (January 1 - December 31).


An award of $1000 is given to "the best paper or article of the year on intergroup relations" -- a field about which Professor Allport cared deeply. Originality of the contribution, whether theoretical or empirical, will be given special weight. The research area of intergroup relations includes such dimensions as age, gender, and socioeconomic status, as well as ethnicity.


Threatened by the Unexpected: Physiological Responses During Social Interactions With Expectancy-Violating Partners (2007, Wendy Berry Mendes); The end of the end of ideology (2006, John Jost); An integrative theory of intergroup contact (2004-05, Rupert Brown, Miles Hewstone); Beyond the Group Mind: A Quantitative Review of the Interindividual-Intergroup Discontinuity Effect (2003-04, Tim Wildschut, Brad Pinter, Jack L. Vevea, Chester A. Insko, John Schopler); A Meta-Analytic Test and Reformulation of Intergroup Contact Theory (2002-03, Thomas F. Pettigrew, Linda R. Tropp);The Role of Threats in the Racial Attitudes of Blacks and Whites (2001-02, Walter Stephan, K. Boniecki, O. Ybarra, B. Ann Bettencourt, K. Ervin, L. Jackson, P. McNatt and C. Renfro); Just Say No (to Stereotyping): Effects of Training in the Negation of Stereotypic Associations on Stereotype Activation (2000-01, Kerry Kawakami, John Dovidio, Jasper Moll, Sander Hermsen and Abby Russin)


APPLY ONLINE NOW! Online submissions are the preferred method. Please limit the number and size of files uploaded when applying online.

For hard copy submissions, send five (5) copies to SPSSI, 208 "I" (Eye) St NE, Washington, DC 20002-4340. Attn: Allport Award.


All submissions for the Fall 2008 round must be received by October 3, 2008. Winners will be notified by December 15, 2008.

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