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 Several Openings for Research Positions
Posted by: Batja Mesquita
Title/Position: Professor
School/Organization: University of Leuven
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SESP, SPSSI
Date posted: June 6th, 2008

The Center for Social and Cultural Psychology at University of Leuven, Belgium, has openings for one postdoctoral fellow (4 years maximum) and several paid positions for Ph.D.-students in a funded project on cultural variations in emotions.

Summary of the Project

The Belgian government has funded a large research program on cultural variations in emotions, and acculturation of emotions. The 4-year project is based on a contextual model of emotions that starts from their assumption that emotional experience may vary by context, person, and culture. The research program has several aims at (1) Mapping the cultural similarities and differences in emotional experience across specific contexts, persons, and cultures, and (2) Documenting the ways in which the emotions of immigrants and biculturals differ from the emotions of monoculturals. Our research will focus on the emotions of anger and shame, and include a number of different cultures (Japan, U.S., Belgium, Turkey, and Turkish immigrants and biculturals in Belgium). A large variety of research methodologies will be used.

Organizational Embedding

The primary investigator of the project is Batja Mesquita. Ph.D. The project is part of the Acculturation and Culture Collaborative (Batja Mesquita, Karen Phalet, Norbert Vanbeselaere), and will be conducted in collaboration with the Research Group Quantitative and Personality Psychology (Iven van Mechelen, Peter Kuppens). The postdoc and Ph.D. students are expected to work as team members of the Acculturation and Culture Collaborative (now about 10 researchers), and participate in and contribute to the joint research meetings of the research group. The meetings are held in English.

Salary: Salaries for postdocs and Ph.D students will be at competitive international rates.

Site: The University of Leuven is a top European university, and offers a research-friendly environment. Leuven is one of the three oldest European university towns, located at 20 minutes from Brussels, 90 minutes from Paris, 2 hours from London and 2.5 hours from Amsterdam.

Starting Dates: October 1, 2008; January 1, 2009 (or to be negotiated)

Applications (CV and a letter of motivation) will be accepted per immediately and until the job is filled, and can be sent to Batja Mesquita, Psychology Department, Center for Social and Cultural Psychology Tiensestraat 102, Box 3727, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.

For further information, call or email Batja Mesquita at, ++-32-16-325868 (office) or ++32-473-197698 (cell).

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