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 Studies on Attitudes Toward Immigrants, RWA & SDO
Posted by: Christopher Cohrs
Title/Position: Assistant Professor
School/Organization: Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
Sent to listserv of: SPSP, SPSSI
Date posted: April 25th, 2008

Reminder: Studies on authoritarianism, social dominance, and attitudes toward immigrants and immigrant groups wanted
*** Apologies for cross-postings ***

Dear Colleagues,

For a cross-cultural review we are searching for studies from different countries on the relationship between individuals’ generalized (ideological) attitudes and their attitudes toward immigrants and immigrant groups. We have already received a number of responses, but if you have additional references, published and unpublished manuscripts, book chapters, theses, unpublished data etc., please send this material via e-mail to Monika Stelzl, St. Thomas University, Fredericton, Canada ( and Christopher Cohrs, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany ( until the end of April.

To be eligible for inclusion in our review, studies have to include:

-- a measure of authoritarianism based on Altemeyer’s or related conceptualizations AND/OR a measure of social dominance orientation based on Sidanius and Pratto’s conceptualization AND
-- a measure of attitudes toward immigrants or immigrant groups, or prejudice or discrimination against immigrants or immigrant groups (without restriction to first-generation immigrants).

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