Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Statement from the British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section

Social Psychology Network:
One of the World's Largest Searchable Databases of British Psychology Resources

British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section The Social Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society is pleased to express its support for Social Psychology Network.

Social Psychology Network has one of the world's largest searchable databases of British psychology resources. Currently, the Network contains approximately 500 annotated web links from the United Kingdom, including links to the British Psychological Society, BPS Social Psychology Section, BPS Code of Conduct, British Journal of Social Psychology, and 70 other scholarly journals from the United Kingdom.

In addition, Social Psychology Network includes professional profiles of social psychology researchers from the United Kingdom and has helped publicize British job openings, training opportunities, conference events, publications, and other information of interest. Over the past decade, the Network has also helped many British researchers and students gather psychological data via the Internet.

The United Kingdom is second only to the USA in its use of Social Psychology Network, and we appreciate the large amount of time, effort, and money required to maintain such an extensive global network. The BPS Social Psychology Section therefore encourages UK social psychologists to consider providing financial support to SPN by becoming members of the Network.

--British Psychological Society
  Social Psychology Section
  (August 15, 2005)

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