Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Statement from APA Division 52: International Psychology

Social Psychology Network:
Serving the Needs of Psychologists Worldwide

APA Division 52: International Psychology The American Psychological Association Division of International Psychology (APA Division 52) is pleased to endorse Social Psychology Network, a scientific and educational organization that has served the needs of psychologists worldwide for more than 10 years.

SPN has contributed immeasurably to the development of a global community within psychology and has tremendous value to Division 52 in its effort to enhance dialogue, collaboration, and networking among psychologists across the globe. For example, SPN includes an interactive directory of psychologists from over 35 countries, source material in 15 different languages, a news archive of over 1,800 "Psychology Headlines from Around the World," and more than 1,000 searchable links to organizations and web sites outside the United States.

Perhaps for this reason, SPN is used each day by visitors from over 100 countries, financially supported by members in over two dozen countries, and endorsed by professional societies in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Asia.

As this record makes clear, the SPN development team has worked diligently and effectively over the years to promote international communication and collaboration, to develop international resources in psychology, and to make these resources widely available. Division 52 therefore urges full support by the APA, our members, and other organizations to sustain the Network and its vital role in internationalizing psychology.

--APA Division 52: International Psychology
  (September 15, 2006)

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