Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

From the Society for the Psychology of Women

Social Psychology Network:
A First-Rate Resource on Gender, Social Justice, and Equality

Society for the Psychology of Women The Society for the Psychology of Women (Division 35 of the American Psychological Association) is devoted to providing an organizational base for all feminists and people of all national origins who are interested in teaching, research, or practice in the psychology of women and gender. As such, the Society strongly endorses Social Psychology Network as a first-rate resource on gender, social justice, and equality.

SPN is of great value to researchers, teachers, students, and policy-makers, and it focuses on issues that are of central concern to Division 35 members, including intersectionality, social justice, sexism, gender and health, heterosexism, and the prevention of violence. The Network also provides information about scholars conducting feminist research and research on gender, and it includes extensive teaching resources related to gender and diversity, such as:

In our view, SPN offers a highly effective means of promoting feminist scholarship, teaching, and practice. We encourage our members to join the Network, make use of its rich resources, and contribute to the growing network of scholars and teachers who are using psychology to deepen our understanding of gender and promote equity for all people.

--Society for the Psychology of Women
  (August 17, 2012)

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