Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Statement from the Society for Community Research and Action

Social Psychology Network:
A Valuable Resource for Community Psychologists

The Society for Community Research and Action (Division 27 of the American Psychological Association) strongly endorses Social Psychology Network, a unique resource that provides vital information about psychology and its links to social justice and sustainable living.

Society for Community Research and Action Social Psychology Network is an especially valuable resource for community psychologists and others interested in social justice and social change. For example, the Network contains links to the SCRA web site and other useful sources of information about community-based participatory research, program evaluation and applied research, and community development and community building. A section on teaching also provides instructors with award-winning examples of action teaching and resources on service learning, including reviews and links to books on community psychology.

In addition to its coverage of community psychology, the Network offers a broad range of connections to APA divisions (e.g., SPSSI, Population and Environmental Psychology), organizations (e.g., the Society for Prevention Research, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health), and disciplines (e.g., Public Health, Community Development) that have overlapping interests. We urge our members to join and support Social Psychology Network and to help build on the linkages made by the Network.

--Society for Community Research and Action
  (July 9, 2011)

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©1996-2025, S. Plous