Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Clinical Psychology Links by Subtopic

   Listed below are links related to a variety of clinical problems, therapy, mental health organizations, and more. The following table shows a detailed outline of topics.

Table of Contents (click on a category of interest)
Mental Health Gateways

Clinical Problems:

  General Resources
  Alcohol and Drug Addiction
  Tobacco Addiction
  Attention Deficit Disorder
  Eating Disorders:
  Other Sites
  Mental Deficits and Disabilities:
  Alzheimer's Disease
  Down Syndrome
  Developmental Disabilities
  Other Mental Deficits or Disabilities
  Panic, Anxiety, Stress, and Trauma
  Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence
  Sleep Disorders
  Other Clinical Problems

  Locate a Therapist
  E-Therapy and E-Counseling
  Social Work

Clinical Training

Research Journals:

  APA Journals
  BPS Journals
  Child/Adolescent Health
  Other Journals

Mental Health Organizations:

  National Associations
  Practice-Related APA Divisions
  APA Division 12 Sections
  Other Organizations

Additional Resources:

  Information for the Public
  Other Resources

Mental Health Gateways

Clinical Problems

Attention Deficit Disorder:


Eating Disorders:

Mental Deficits and Disabilities:

Panic, Anxiety, Stress, and Trauma:


Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence:

Sleep Disorders:


Other Clinical Problems:


Locate a Therapist:

E-Therapy and E-Counseling:


Social Work:

Clinical Training

Research Journals
American Psychological Association Journals:

British Psychological Society Journals:

Child and Adolescent Health:

Other Journals:

Mental Health Organizations
National Associations:

Practice-Related APA Divisions:

APA Division 12 Sections:

Other Organizations:

Additional Resources
Information for the Public:

Other Resources:

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©1996-2025, S. Plous