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As other authors have noted, the web opens up new opportunities for student scholarship and learning (Newcomb, Berkebile, Newman, & Parker, 1998). In the foregoing recommendations, I have tried to offer a set of guiding principles and practical suggestions to facilitate the development of educational web sites. Although portions of this article may seem somewhat technical to readers who are new to web page design, most suggestions are easy to implement with a basic grasp of HTML.
In closing, it is worth considering the global possibilities afforded by educational web development. In a recent essay on the uses of technology in higher education, Gates (1997) invited educators to imagine a world in which political science students in the United States published Bosnia-related reports on the web and received direct feedback from students in Bosnia. Within psychology, we should be equally ambitious in the worlds we envision for our students. By creating innovative web sites and making these resources available to others, we have an opportunity to enrich and expand psychology instruction in ways that have never before been possible.

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